Are you tired of dealing with constant tooth pain? We can help. Choose Schulman & Rozanski Dentistry for dental restoration services in New Hartford, New York. Don't panic if a decayed or damaged tooth is causing you pain. Our dentists can place a dental crown or composite filling on your problem tooth. Dental crowns work like protective hats that cover large fillings and decaying teeth. They prevent weakened teeth from decaying further and can help restore broken teeth.
Dental crowns are typically used when teeth are badly damaged, whereas composite fillings are used for minor damage. If our dentists find any cavities during your checkup, we can place a composite filling to cover up damaged sections of your teeth. A composite filling is a resin that fills in damaged sections of a tooth. Our composite fillings look completely natural.
Schulman & Rozanski Dentistry specializes in dental restoration services in New Hartford, New York. In the course of your composite filling placement, we'll: